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Satisfied Clients

Hear what business owners and professionals say why they choose My Cloud Crew to boost and grow their business.

Philip Reid, President
“Johann is really, really great! She's efficient and is so good at Excel and her tasks! I'm glad to have her on board!”
Mangala Martinus, Managing Director
“Von is very proactive, shows initiative, and has good accounting/bookkeeping/Xero knowledge so requires minimal instruction to get going. He has been an excellent addition to the team and I am very happy with how he is performing.”
Roger Benedetti, President
“Cathy and I have been very happy with Marla performance. She has been a diligent worker, communicates well, provides us with an update each day, and has been helpful overall.This is our first experience with using a virtual assistance, and as we continue working together, looking forward to even better results in our recruiting efforts and new hires.”
Joyce Johnson, Therapist
“They are doing phenomenal and exceptional! They are essential parts of my business. I don't know what I'm going to do without them. They are so great and I am so glad I have them. There are things that I won't be able to do without them. Things have been smoother and I am less stressed about things.”
Christina Dean, Managing Director
“My experience with Chloe was that she produced independently creative work and she met the deadline. Lovely job and more than I expected of her.”
Andrew Farnham, Guitar Mentor
“I was just reviewing our KPIs this morning and wanted to let you know what a fantastic job you're doing. Thank you very much!”
Christopher Wei, Company Owner
“Tamara has been a wonderful hire and has been extremely helpful and pleasant to work with!”
Adrienne Tucker, Business Owner
“Leah is a huge problem-solver. She's an amazing problem-solver. Leah has already created processes and is making the business run ways better than the way it was before I met the girls.”
Jennifer Butler, General Manager
“Jamie is wonderful. We are really happy with her work. Her communication is fantastic!”
Paul Rao, Owner
“Milyn and Vanessa are excellent, conscientious and they work hard. They're young but I listen to them because they're very good. You guys [MCC] are doing a great job training your people.”
Vicki Donaldson, Founder
“She is self sufficient and looks back over how things were handled in the accounts previously. She is learning the new travel agency system very quickly and is eager to learn more. I am more than happy with her results and progress!”
Noah Scott, Author
“Jannes is absolutely the best. He’s reliable, pays attention to the details, and understands new tasks quickly. Very happy with him so far!”
Breyel Black
“I would like to begin by stating how AMAZING Milyn is ! It has only been a week and she has elevated my vision past my beliefs. From her professionalism to her ability to communicate effectively, Milyn is amazing asset!! I am truly grateful to have her on my team !”
Heather Shelley, Certified Professional Midwife
“Love , love, love the newsletter…This is probably one of the best newsletters we’ve ever sent out with formatting and graphics.”
Gordon Harris, Voice Instructor
“I am so happy with the team. They really have changed my life. But more than that, they have put my business on a pathway to the stars. Things just happen and the business just keeps improving. More importantly, I can concentrate on the things I should be doing. I have nothing but the highest praise for all that is happening.”
Yony Kifle, President & Founder
“Just want to let you know, Megan, has been EXCELLENT so far. I have been very impressed with her attention to detail and her willingness and commitment to figure out everything that is required of this job very quickly!”
Joshua Brownson, Sales & Marketing Specialist
“Paulina is a blessing, and it’s a night and day difference. Thank you for connecting me with her. We appreciate you.”
Karina Bridges, Mortgage & Lending Specialist
“AJ is absolutely amazing! She is a very fast learner, efficient and an absolute delight to work with!”
Alyssa Parr, CEO
“I have been thrilled with Angie’s enthusiasm, accountability, and ability to quickly adapt to my workload! I would to continue having Angie work for me and keep this going! It’s helped me see how valuable having an extra team member is!”
Dr. Myra Brennan, Dental Specialist
“Bernice is wonderful to work with. I am very pleased with her level of professionalism and our collaboration is very pleasant and enjoyable. I am looking forward to having a long-term working relationship with her!”
Paula Euse, VP of Marketing
“Lisa is doing great! She requires little or no guidance. Her communication and ability to finalize tasks have been fantastic!”