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Content Writer2024-05-13T10:00:50+08:00


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Content Writer


By hiring a freelance writer from My Cloud Crew, you gain access to elite talent meticulously selected for their expertise in content creation. Our writers are adept at tailoring content strategies to elevate your brand visibility and engagement. They are masters at leveraging industry insights to produce high-quality content across diverse platforms. From blog posts to social media content, our vetted writers ensure that your message resonates with your target audience, driving organic traffic and maximizing audience reach.


Let our content writers at My Cloud Crew be your trusted partners in driving impactful results for your business:

  • Content Creation: Craft engaging and persuasive content for various platforms, including websites, blogs, articles, emails, and social media posts, is the foundation of effective communication with your audience. Well-crafted content helps to capture attention, convey messages clearly, and drive desired actions, such as clicks, shares, or purchases.

  • Research and Ideation: Conduct thorough research on industry-related topics to generate fresh ideas and insights. This ensures that content is relevant, informative, and valuable to the target audience. It helps writers stay updated with industry trends and produce content that resonates with readers’ interests and needs.

  • SEO Optimization: Optimize content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags. Why? To improve online content visibility and discoverability, leading to increased organic traffic to websites and blogs. It enhances the chances of content being found by users searching for relevant information, thereby maximizing reach and engagement.

  • Editing and Proofreading: Review and refine content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and consistency in messaging. To maintain professionalism and credibility, content writers help eliminate errors, improve readability, and enhance the overall quality of writing.

  • Content Promotion: Share content on relevant platforms and engage with audiences through comments, replies, and discussions. Content promotion extends the reach of content beyond owned channels, amplifying its impact and visibility. It encourages interaction, fosters community engagement, and drives traffic back to the website or blog, ultimately supporting lead generation and conversions.

  • Performance Analysis: Monitor and analyze the performance of content using metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates. Through this, your marketing team gets valuable insights into the effectiveness of content marketing efforts. It helps writers understand what resonates with the audience, identify areas for improvement, and optimize future content strategies for better results.


To succeed with your content marketing efforts, writers must have:

  • Exceptional Writing Skills: Strong writing skills enable content writers to convey messages clearly, persuasively, and engagingly.

  • Research Proficiency: Content writers must possess the ability to conduct thorough research on various topics. This skill ensures that the content they produce is accurate, well-informed, and credible.

  • SEO Knowledge: To succeed in the digital landscape, visibility is key. Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) principles allows content writers to optimize their content for better search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to your website.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The online world is constantly evolving, and content writers must adapt to changing trends, algorithms, and audience preferences. Being flexible allows them to pivot their strategies and create content that resonates with current industry standards.

  • Creativity and Innovation: To stand out against your competitors, your content writer needs to think outside the box and craft unique, compelling narratives that capture the audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

  • Attention to Detail: Even the smallest errors can have a significant impact on credibility and professionalism. Attention to detail ensures that content is error-free, well-structured, and polished in order to boost the overall user experience.

  • Time Management Skills: Content creation often involves tight deadlines and multiple projects simultaneously. Strong time management skills enable writers to prioritize tasks effectively, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality content consistently.

  • Collaborative Spirit: Content creation is rarely a solitary endeavor. Writers must collaborate with designers, marketers, and other team members to align content with broader business objectives. A collaborative spirit fosters teamwork and ensures the seamless integration of content into overarching marketing strategies.

  • Experience in Content and Social Media Management Platforms: Proficiency in platforms like Hootsuite or CoSchedule allows writers to schedule, manage, and analyze social media content effectively. This skill streamlines the content distribution process and enhances social media engagement.

  • Basic Knowledge of Web Publishing Systems: Understanding web publishing systems such as WordPress enables writers to publish and manage content on websites efficiently. This ensures seamless content integration and enhances user experience across digital platforms.

  • Proficiency in MS Office: Mastery of MS Office tools, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, is essential for content creation, data analysis, and presentation purposes. To enhance productivity and facilitate effective communication within the team, content writers must have at least basic working knowledge in this area.


We know you’d rather just have the answers in plain English (i.e. Are these types of blogs working or not? Are readers staying engaged or not?, etc.), but understanding how content writers measure success is crucial for businesses looking to evaluate the effectiveness of their content marketing efforts. Here are some performance measurements and key performance indicators (KPIs) that content writers use to track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive better results for your business:

  • Engagement Metrics (Likes, Comments, Shares): Engagement metrics indicate how well your content resonates with your audience. Higher engagement levels suggest that your content is compelling, relevant, and valuable to your target audience.
  • Website Traffic and Page Views: Increased website traffic and page views signify that your content is attracting visitors to your website. Content writers can track these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of their content in driving audience engagement and brand visibility.
  • Conversion Rates: Ultimately, the goal of content marketing is to drive conversions, whether it’s generating leads, sales, or sign-ups. Content writers measure conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of their content in moving users through the sales funnel and driving desired actions.
  • SEO Performance (Keyword Rankings, Organic Traffic): Content writers track keyword rankings and organic traffic to evaluate the impact of their content on search engine visibility and ranking.
  • Content Quality and Relevance: To assess the quality and relevance of their content, content writers consider factors such as readability, relevance to target audience, and alignment with brand messaging. High-quality, relevant content is more likely to resonate with your audience and drive desired outcomes.
  • Social Media Analytics: To know how your content performs across various social media platforms, content writers track metrics such as reach, impressions, and engagement to evaluate the effectiveness of their social media content strategy.
  • Lead Generation and Customer Acquisition: Content marketing plays a crucial role in generating leads and acquiring customers. Content writers measure success based on the number of leads generated, customer acquisition rates, and the overall impact of content on sales and revenue.


Effective content writing services go beyond producing engaging articles or blog posts and go well into driving tangible results that align with your business goals. My Cloud Crew’s fully managed and vetted content writers are dedicated to helping you achieve long-term brand success by understanding and prioritizing your business objectives:

  • Increasing Brand Awareness: Building brand awareness is essential for attracting new customers and differentiating your brand from competitors. Our content writers focus on creating informative, engaging, and shareable content that helps increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience.
  • Driving Website Traffic: A steady flow of website traffic is vital for expanding your online presence and attracting potential customers. Content writers craft SEO-optimized content that ranks well in search engines, driving organic traffic to your website and increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Generating Leads: Content plays a crucial role in lead generation, especially when you prioritize providing valuable resources, such as eBooks, whitepapers, or webinars, in exchange for contact information. Content writers create compelling lead magnets and landing pages that capture leads and nurture them through the sales funnel.
  • Building Thought Leadership: Establishing your brand as a thought leader in your industry can enhance credibility, trust, and authority. Content writers produce insightful, industry-specific content that showcases your expertise, positions your brand as a trusted resource, and fosters meaningful connections with your audience.
  • Increasing Customer Engagement and Retention: Engaging with existing customers is crucial for fostering brand loyalty and encouraging repeat business. Content writers create valuable, relevant content that educates, entertains, and engages your audience, keeping them informed and connected with your brand over time.
  • Driving Sales and Revenue: Ultimately, the goal of content marketing is to drive sales and revenue for your business. Content writers develop persuasive, conversion-focused content that addresses customer pain points, highlights product benefits, and encourages purchase decisions, ultimately driving sales and revenue growth.
  • Educating and Informing Customers: Providing valuable information and resources to your audience helps build trust and credibility. At MY Cloud Crew, our fully managed content writers can produce all kinds of educational content, such as how-to guides, tutorials, and industry insights, that addresses customer needs and empowers them to make informed decisions.
  • Supporting Overall Marketing Strategy: Quality content writing services boost your overall marketing strategy by supporting various initiatives such as social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO. Content writers collaborate with other marketing team members to ensure content aligns with broader marketing objectives and contributes to overall campaign success.


Understanding content effectiveness is crucial for driving business growth and achieving marketing objectives. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help measure content strategy success and ensure that efforts align with your business goals. My Cloud Crew’s freelance writers focus on delivering measurable results by tracking and optimizing these essential KPIs:

  • Website Traffic: Increased website traffic indicates that your content is attracting visitors and driving engagement. Content writers monitor website traffic metrics to assess the effectiveness of content in getting your audiences’ time and attention, as well as expanding brand visibility.
  • Engagement Metrics: Engagement metrics such as average time spent on page, bounce rate, and social media shares provide insights into how audiences interact with content. Content writers analyze engagement metrics to identify areas for improvement and create more engaging and valuable content.
  • Conversion Rates: Conversion rates measure the percentage of visitors who take desired actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. Content writers focus on optimizing content to improve conversion rates and drive desired outcomes for the business.
  • Lead Generation: Lead generation metrics track the number of leads generated through content marketing efforts. Content writers create compelling lead magnets, landing pages, and email campaigns to attract and capture leads, ultimately supporting sales and revenue growth.
  • Search Engine Rankings: Search engine rankings determine the visibility of your content in search engine results pages (SERPs). Content writers optimize content for relevant keywords and monitor search engine rankings to ensure content appears prominently in search results, driving organic traffic to your website.
  • Social Media Metrics: Likes, shares, comments, and follower growth indicate the reach and engagement of content on social platforms. Content writers leverage social media analytics to evaluate the performance of content across different channels and refine social media strategies accordingly.
  • Content Performance: Content performance metrics assess the overall effectiveness of content in achieving business objectives. To measure the impact of content on marketing goals and make data-driven decisions for future content creation, content writers track metrics such as page views, click-through rates, and conversion attribution.
  • ROI and Revenue Attribution: Return on Investment (ROI) and revenue attribution metrics measure the financial impact of content marketing efforts. To demonstrate the value of content in driving business growth and inform budget allocation decisions for future campaigns, content writers analyze ROI and revenue attribution.

Training & Onboarding

At My Cloud Crew, we’re all about setting our content writers up for success from day one. And while our content writers come to us already well-seasoned, we know that continuous education and consistent client alignment are key to delivering top-notch content that hits the mark for our clients.

Content Writer Training

We want our freelance writers to be masters of the craft, so we make sure they’re armed with relevant skills such as copywriting and SEO. That means they know how to write content that not only grabs attention but also climbs the ranks in search engine results. It’s all about getting your message out there loud and clear!

Additionally, the world of content creation moves fast, and we want our writers to keep up. That’s why we keep them in the loop with ongoing training, refreshers, and seminars. By staying on top of industry trends and techniques, our writers are always ready to deliver content that’s fresh, engaging, and totally on point.

Content Writer Onboarding

Every client is unique, so we make sure our writers understand exactly what each one needs. We kick things off with some quality time getting to know your company objectives, processes, and KPIs. That way, our writers can tailor their content to fit your brand like a glove.

Additionally, we want to give our content writers the time they need to get up to speed. We recommend setting aside some of your dedicated time during the first day or two for onboarding, training, and orientation. That way, our writers can hit the ground running and start creating killer content for you in no time.

Content Writer Tools & SAAS

Setting your content writers up for success means arming them with the right tools and software to get their job done faster and better. Here are some of our recommendations:

Communication and Collaboration

Keep communication streamlined and projects on track with apps like Teamwork. From messaging to project management and performance tracking, it’s your all-in-one solution for team collaboration and productivity. Google G-Suite’s email and document tools also ensure smooth communication and file sharing, while Zoom makes virtual meetings a breeze, fostering seamless collaboration with clients and colleagues.

Content creation and publishing

Get creative with content using industry-standard tools like WordPress, Canva, and Biteable. Whether it’s writing captivating copy, designing eye-catching visuals, or crafting engaging videos, these tools have got you covered.

Analytics and Reporting

Mastering Social Media Platforms: Your content marketer should have the tools to oversee exactly what’s going on across popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and emerging ones like WhatsApp and LinkedIn without constantly jumping from one to the other. Leveraging tools like Hootsuite can help manage this issue as they effectively maximize how your content writer can oversee your digital presence and engagement.

Analytics and Reporting: Stay on top of your content’s performance with analytics tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Ahrefs. Analyzing data allows you to fine-tune your strategies, identify trends, and ensure your content aligns with your objectives for optimal results. Also, being able to learn from both your wins and setbacks is key to continuous improvement. Analytics not only help you track progress but also uncover areas for enhancement, guiding future content strategies and ensuring they hit the mark.

Find Content Writer

My Cloud Crew can help you find freelance writers who can elevate your brand’s storytelling. We have vetted a great team of talented writers across various categories to ensure you’ll find the perfect match for your specific requirements.

Simply browse through our list of freelance talents, identify what type of writer aligns with your needs and goals, and reach out to us to kickstart the collaboration process. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to understand your project objectives, preferences, and timeline, ensuring a seamless collaboration process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does My Cloud Crew provide?2024-04-15T17:20:44+08:00

My Cloud Crew offers comprehensive virtual assistant services tailored to your business needs. We provide administrative support, lead generation, marketing assistance, research tasks, database management, appointment scheduling, and graphic design. Our VAs are skilled in web development, SEO, content creation, and social media management. We also offer specialized services for real estate, insurance, healthcare, technology, and more. Partnering with us ensures access to a diverse range of talented virtual professionals adept at supporting your business objectives efficiently.

Why My Cloud Crew2024-04-15T17:21:01+08:00

My Cloud Crew stands out for several reasons. We offer delegate and managed VA services, taking over your tasks and enabling you to focus on business growth. Our VAs are growth-focused, upskilling in areas essential to your success. We provide fully managed crews, including complete oversight and support. Additionally, you have 24/7 access to talented virtual assistants, ensuring productivity around the clock. Partnering with us means efficient, scalable, and expert virtual support tailored to your needs.

How long does it take to onboard a talented crew member?2024-04-15T17:21:20+08:00

At My Cloud Crew, onboarding a talented virtual assistant typically takes 48 hours to 1 week. Initial consultations allow us to understand your needs, followed by careful selection and training of the VA. Our efficient onboarding includes seamless communication setup and access to resources, ensuring a quick transition and immediate productivity for your business.

Do you offer a monthly plan for small businesses?2024-04-15T17:21:36+08:00

Yes, My Cloud Crew offers flexible plans that provide access to expert virtual assistants, allowing businesses to delegate tasks efficiently without the overhead of hiring full-time staff. Whether you need ongoing support or project-based assistance, our monthly plans ensure affordability and scalability, enabling you to focus on growing your business while we handle the rest.

What sets My Cloud Crew’s apart?2024-04-15T17:21:50+08:00

We provide a combination of delegation and managed VA services that adapt to your business’s evolving needs. Our complete, fully managed virtual crews ensure 24/7 access to talented professionals, enabling you to scale efficiently. With My Cloud Crew, you get exceptional support tailored to drive your business forward.

Why should you hire a content writer?2024-04-09T13:34:31+08:00

Hiring a content writer for your business ensures consistent, high-quality content production that engages your audience, boosts SEO, and saves you time. They expertly craft compelling content tailored to your brand’s voice, attracting and retaining customers while freeing you to focus on core business activities. With their expertise, you can scale your content efforts efficiently and, ultimately, drive growth and hot your business targets with ease.

How does your agency match writers with client projects?2024-04-09T13:35:06+08:00

The folks at My Cloud Crew only hire content writers who have the expertise, industry knowledge, and project requirements that are in demand among our clientele. We carefully assess writers’ skills and experiences to ensure they align with your needs to ensure seamless collaboration and high-quality content. Through our thorough vetting and personalized matching processes, we ensure clients are paired with writers who possess the right skills and understanding to meet project objectives effectively.

Can I review the content writer’s portfolio or previous work?2024-04-09T13:35:51+08:00

Yes, My Cloud Crew encourages clients to review writers’ portfolios to gauge their writing style, tone, and expertise. This transparency ensures that our clients can make informed decisions and select writers whose past work aligns with their content needs and brand voice.

What are your content writer salary/rates and how are they structured?2024-04-09T13:36:18+08:00

My Cloud Crew offers various pricing packages tailored to clients’ needs, ranging from 80 hours per month to 160 hours per month. These packages are structured to accommodate different content requirements and budgets. Clients can choose the package that aligns with their workload and financial resources, ensuring flexibility and affordability in hiring content writers for their projects.

Do you have writers with expertise in my specific industry or niche?2024-04-09T13:36:59+08:00

Yes, whether you’re in technology, healthcare, finance, or any other sector, My Cloud Crew has writers who understand the nuances of your industry. Our team ensures that your content is crafted by writers who possess the knowledge and experience relevant to your specific niche, ensuring that you build a reputation as an industry expert in the process.

What are the advantages of hiring content writers in the Philippines?2024-04-09T13:37:19+08:00

Hiring content writers in the Philippines is cost-effective without compromising quality. Why? Because Filipino writers are known for their proficiency in English, cultural adaptability, and strong work ethic. Additionally, the time zone difference allows for faster turnaround times and extended working hours. 

What should I look for in a resume when hiring a fresher content writer with no experience?2024-04-09T13:37:56+08:00

When hiring a content writer with no prior professional experience, focus on their educational background, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities demonstrating writing skills. Look for internships, volunteer work, or personal projects showcasing their writing abilities. Pay attention to their passion for writing, creativity, willingness to learn, and adaptability. Strong communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to meet deadlines are also valuable traits to consider.

What happens if I am not satisfied with the content provided?2024-04-09T13:38:14+08:00

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not satisfied with the content provided, My Cloud Crew’s writers value constructive feedback and will revise until you’re content. If the writer isn’t the right fit, we’ll assist in finding one better suited to your needs.

How do you ensure the quality of the content?2024-04-09T13:38:37+08:00

My Cloud Crew ensures content quality through stringent vetting processes and continuous training for writers. We implement thorough quality control measures, including peer reviews, editor feedback, and adherence to client briefs and industry standards. Additionally, we use advanced tools for plagiarism checks and grammar verification to guarantee high-quality content that meets your expectations and aligns with your business goals.

What is your content policy on confidentiality and intellectual property?2024-04-09T13:39:25+08:00

My Cloud Crew upholds strict confidentiality and intellectual property policies to safeguard clients’ sensitive information and creative assets. We ensure that all content produced remains confidential and exclusively owned by the client. Our writers sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect your proprietary data and respect copyright laws. Rest assured, your content is secure with us, and we prioritize your privacy and intellectual property rights at all times.

What is your AI content policy?2024-04-09T13:39:52+08:00

My Cloud Crew is committed to delivering high-quality content that meets our partners’ objectives while adhering to evolving industry standards. As part of our responsibility to the marketplace, we monitor advancements in AI-generated content to ensure we serve clients and writers effectively. Regardless of whether content is AI-augmented or solely human-crafted, our standards remain unchanged: originality, accuracy, readability, and relevance to the reader are our priorities. We align with Google’s guidelines, prioritizing content that addresses user queries effectively and authentically. To maintain integrity, our content writers must disclose the use of AI tools, and content suspected of AI assistance undergoes thorough review. Our content writers’ focus remains on delivering premium, human-written content that resonates with your audiences and meets their needs.


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